Friday, December 7, 2012

Online Audio Advertising - How to Boost Your Internet Business With Online Audio Advertising

Online audio advertising is becoming more popular by the day. Internet marketers have realized that using audio can drastically increase conversion rates. You may have noticed that a large majority of sales pages (particularly relating to information products) utilize audio and/or video. This is no coincidence.

Good marketers split test their sales pages and have come to the conclusion that using audio simply makes the prospective buyer feel more at ease and forges a relationship that is not possible with text alone.

Online audio advertising relates not just to the audio on a sales page, but also to any audio used to attract visitors to that sales page. These can include podcasts, interviews and teleconferences as well as a variety of other strategies.

The aim of online audio advertising is to gain recognition, build trust and ultimately convert your listeners into buyers.

Producing audio for online marketing purposes is easy. You do not need an expensive, elaborate set up. Just a simple inexpensive microphone and some free software can do the trick for you.

Of course, if you wish to do fancy effects and editing, then you will need a more advanced set up. However, for the majority of uses, this will suffice. If you already use Camtasia to produce videos, then you can also use it for audio recording and production.

Many marketers realize the benefit that online audio advertising brings to their business, but feel that they do not have a great voice, or are ultimately just too shy to broadcast their own voice.

In this case, it can be ideal to hire a voice over person. Whilst the voice over person should not necessarily claim to be you (although this is possible), they can act as a partner in the business or simply as a professional guide.

This is a good option for those marketers who are not yet comfortable recording their own voice. Keep in mind, however, that by using your own voice you are gaining considerably more credibility amongst your audience.

The quality of your audio recording is extremely important. A low quality audio recording will give the impression that you are unprofessional. This will reflect badly upon your product and on you. You may even lose a large amount of sales solely due to a poor quality audio recording.

If you are unsure of how to record a high quality recording, then this can also be outsourced. There are many great audio production specialists online who are willing to work for a small amount of money. Hiring one of these people can save you time, headaches and increase your conversion rate.

Online audio advertising is going to become more prominent as the years go by. Many sites now play an audio file as soon as the site loads. The benefits of this are debated, so it is wise to give your visitors the option to play the recording as they wish. You will find that most people will be willing to listen to your audio, provided it is interesting and clear.

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Weight Loss After Pregnancy - 5 Reasons New Moms Must Ask for Help

Have you found yourself overwhelmed at the enormous responsibility of being a mom? The daily list of things to do combined with the daunting task losing the baby weight.

If you feel this way, it is important to know you are not alone. Many of my newsletter subscribers share how they have successfully dealt with these issues and the common theme they share is that they all at some point and in some way asked for help. The good news is that their story of triumph can be yours as well.

Let's discuss the top 5 reasons new moms should ask for help.

Reason #1 - You'll Get More Sleep

It may seem impossible to get a full 8 hours of sleep when you have a newborn or toddler around the house however those extra hours can pay big dividends when it comes to your emotional stress level and your body's physical recovery after the delivery.

Reason #2 - Your Older Children Learn Responsibility

So often the arrival of a new baby causes older siblings to feel left out. These children don't want to trade places with the baby however hey do want to play a role in helping he newborn grown and develop. By giving your older children tasks around the home they can do, you will be well on your way to raising healthy, happy, responsible kids.

Reason #3 - You'll Get to See What Your Family is Capable of Doing

As mothers, so often we get so accustomed to doing everything ourselves, our health and our outside interests. Traditionally we do this because deep down we truly desire to be needed by our families. This was certainly true in my life and perhaps you may relate. By asking your family for help, you will truly get to see what they are truly capable of doing, not just for this week or this month but for the remainder of the year.

Reason #4 - Helps Battle Your Negative Thoughts

Sometimes the voice inside is not always the best voice in which to rely. By allowing others to help you, it is not long before you begin to realize that your friends, family and others truly care about you and whenever a negative or depressive thought comes to mind, it is beaten back by the force of your loved ones supporting and serving you in any way they can. It is more than okay to allow yourself to be cared for rather than you doing the caregiving.

Reason #5 - It Gives Your Family an Opportunity to Support You

In this article we have focused primarily on how you would benefit from asking for help but there are also side benefits for those providing the help. Service is the one way people can support you and show their love for you. Buying gifts for new moms is always difficult because nothing ever truly signifies your love and given that you have already received the best gift, nothing else could compare.

Helping out is the ultimate gift because it builds up the self-esteem, trust and love that can only experience when you simply ask for the help you need.

What Kind of Flowers Should I Give My Mum on Mother's Day?   Going Back To School: How Mothers Should Deal With Children Anxiety   A Mother's Love for Her Children   Getting Ready For Your Baby: Some Tips   

Uncovering New Money Making Ideas Online

Uncovering new money making ideas is a great way to gain a competitive edge for any internet marketer! The field of internet marketing is very crowded which is understandable when you consider it is global in nature! This as a result is the primary reason any and every internet marketer is always on the lookout for new ways to make money! The only 'drawback' in exploring potential opportunities is the time you need to invest which detracts from the effort needed to maintain any ongoing businesses! The solution for this can be found in the amount of attention to detail an entrepreneur pays while maintaining their current business interests! Done properly it is very possible to discover new ways to make money AS you invest your efforts into any current ventures with which you are involved!

Here are 3 ways prosperous opportunities can inadvertently be uncovered by any internet marketer through the normal course of their current business operations!

Discovery By Incidental Research

Researching is an integral, necessary and ongoing task for any internet marketer trying to stay current in their field! Looking for content or simply trying to keep updated within your industry will require your researching skills which by the way, if you don't have any, develop them! Having said that there's no telling what you may uncover that you can turn into another income earning opportunity! Keep you eyes, ears and mind open at all times since new ways to make money can be found almost anywhere!

Increasing-Learning 'Trade' Skills

Invariably new skills will need to be learned which can and will transition into a whole new field or niche other than the one you currently are working! Perhaps it's the way the skill is carried out that you can make modifications on or even discovering new ways to apply it! Skills are skills, some people have them and some don't but they're always in demand or needed to be learned! If you can find different ways to apply old skills or even make them easier to learn, you may have found some new ways to make money!

Expanded Knowledge Base

As your own knowledge base expands so does your confidence to explore other areas you may have previously not even considered! With new knowledge also comes an expansion of your creative thinking capabilities and when you combine both of these immensely important assets you are also increasing your competitive edge online! No two minds think alike along the lines of creativity and when you combine that with additional knowledge you always have the potential for developing new ways to make money on the internet!

Discovering new money making ideas is like digging up buried treasure since this offers a competitive edge to any internet marketer willing to pursue new income avenues! Being the field of online marketing is such a crowded one, any time you can find new ways to make money should serve to help distance you from the more intense competition! In this way not only will your efforts be less as due to the competitive edge you now have by pioneering a new opportunity' but your income should grow accordingly as well! The 3 ways of uncovering such opportunities, as discussed above, can occur in the normal course of any current business operations provided your creative mind is active, open and receptive! Remember all you need is simply a 'spark' that you can fan into an all out 'blaze' when looking for new ways to make money online!

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The Way from Science to Soul - Book Review

Using quantum physics to illuminate the spiritual journey? The author does just this in the book, "The Way from Science to Soul: Integrating Physics, the Brain, and the Spiritual Journey," by Casey Blood, PH.D. But, why would you do such a thing? Why mix science and soul, quantum mechanics with spirituality? Dr. Casey Blood is a Professor Emeritus at Rutgers University, so if he wants to do this, I suppose he is qualified to. I'm not a scientist, so what do I know? A little something about spirituality at least.

Physics is the study of the physical universe, and one wouldn't expect to learn about the spiritual side of life, or the nonphysical universe when reading about it. However, Dr. Blood begins our education on this matter with an in-depth coverage of physics and quantum mechanics, the brain (including the synapse), and how these all pull together so that we can either see the spiritual side, or choose not to. The point of it is that there are several versions of reality to perceive while we choose to only see one; the existence of the soul can not be disproved, nor proven by science. So how does the nonphysical soul interact with the physical world? The soul can perceive the physical brain and through this, perceive the world. But, the physical world is not the only plane to be aware of. The soul can exist on many planes, the physical, the angelic plane, which is closest to the source of all, and the "jinn" plane, which is where our souls can communicate with other souls. Dr. Blood explains that our soul's journey is much longer than that of our earthly existence, and that we have time to spend on each plane.

Dr. Blood describes spiritual practices which help us to remember that we are a nonphysical soul that has a physical body. These practices include meditation, yoga, focus on breathing, using retreats and finding teachers to help us. These practices though, are not the end goal. Our personality and contribution to society is important too. Dr. Blood states that we need to develop certain qualities like insight, compassion, friendship and wisdom and gives guidance on how to do so.

I was a little worried when I was asked to review this book. However, Dr. Blood takes a very complex topic and relates it to the average reader in a carefully chosen tone of support. The interest in spirituality is growing in leaps and bounds so that this connection to quantum physics will surely have a target audience, but, is still something of interest to the masses. The book is not an easy read, but it is worthwhile to wrap your physical mind around it for a time. Your spiritual mind will thank you.

The Way from Science to Soul

by Casey Blood PH.D.

ISBN: 978-0-9797888-8-8

Review by Heather Froeschl

The Way from Science to Soul - Book Review   Physics, Complexity, Gravity and the Universe - Humans at Home in Their Habitat   

Physics, Complexity, Gravity and the Universe - Humans at Home in Their Habitat

Physics is much about the nature of things in this realm we live. In this dimension there are laws and those laws as far as we can see seem to be consistent throughout our universe, perhaps everywhere for all we know. Thus, a bit of philosophy is in order to comprehend the order of things.

Perhaps, you have heard of Murphy's Law, well there is a good amount of reality behind complex systems, mathematically speaking, they more things you have running the more chances of one of them breaking. And maybe you have heard the thought that; simplicity breeds complexity, which in observation seems to be very true to our realm. To help illustrate these points and other topics which intersect this concept; I'd like to recommend this book;

"At Home in the Universe - the search for the laws of self-organization and complexity" by Stuart Kauffman. 1995

If you are looking for a book that takes all the observations, natural laws and known science and then poses the question and looks for the ultimate answers in complexity, chaos and natural self-organization from atoms and molecules to complex bio-systems and planetary systems. The author makes some great points in the book and takes the reader into deep thought.

The author considers snowflakes, oil on water, DNA, evolution, corporations, politics, government, and "the rise and fall of great civilizations." Kaufman also wrote the book; "the origin of order." This book also ponders the future of the human race and the future of Globalization, as the forward progression of mankind continues.

The Way from Science to Soul - Book Review   Physics, Complexity, Gravity and the Universe - Humans at Home in Their Habitat   

Adding Great Audio to Your Website

Adding great audio to your website is done very easily, and could make a huge difference in your website's success.

There are a few things you must know before adding sound or recorded information to your website.

First; Recorded messages can be very annoying for your visitors when arriving on your site if the sound is loud or unwanted. Make sure you give an option to here the message by providing sound buttons for the recorded messages. This way, it gives the visitor a choice to hear the message or not. In most cases, if the visitor wants more information, they will almost always click the sound activation button to hear the recorded message.

Adding audio to your site can add to your website by providing extra information in the form of a recorded message. Most people would rather watch a video or listen to an offer from a recorded message than they would want to read the sale's page. That is why it is always best to give both options. It is also a proven fact that adding audio to your website can actually increase your conversion rates. This is very important because it means more sales, and more success for your website.

There is a lot of recording software available to use to record your messages. Most of the newer visions have gone to a MP3 format because it is easy to use, it can be downloaded, and it sound very clear. Some of the older versions sound terrible with cracking and other distracting sounds. A bad sounding message can really hurt your website and give a bad impression; however, a great sound can increase your sales.

When recording your messages, you will want them to sound great; therefore, do not purchase a cheap USB mic for your recordings. Instead, you should invest in a great sounding mic, which will cost around a hundred dollars or more. You can find great USB mics around one hundred thirty dollars that will not only sound great, but will give you many other options as well. By making this extra purchase, you will also have a product that will last.

Some people do not like the way their voice sounds when it is recorded. Do not let this keep you from adding audio to your site. You can either record the message with your own voice, or outsource this task. Finding someone for this task can be very easy to accomplish. You can either find someone online, or use a friend for this task. It is a quick solution to getting the job done with not much effort on your part.

Adding great audio to your site can make your site appear more professional, giving you increased sales. If you are not using audio on your site, you should start using it today.

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